French Apéro Essentials


What is French apéro? L’apéro is the short name for l’apéritif . L’apéro is a pre-dinner drink with small plates. It’s normally between 6pm (18h00) and 9pm (21h00) and it can sometimes turn into your meal for the night. If it’s a full meal, it’s called “Un apéro dînatoire”. It’s very laid back and casual, there’s no fixed length for an apéro….

Joshua Tree National Park, California, USA

Joshua Tree

Joshua Tree National Park is where two worlds collide. The park is sprawling- nearly 800,000 acres, and the landscape is diverse. Depending on the season, you can expect strong winds, sudden bursts of rain, and climatic extremes. We visited in March ’17, after an unexpectedly heavy and long rainy spring. So the desert was in BLOOM. It was perfect weather. Two desert…

The California Hippie Soap with (almost) 1000 uses

  Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Soap  can do just about anything. Not actually made in California, but loved by hippies everywhere.   It comes in lots of groovy scents: Peppermint, Lavender, Almond, Citrus, Tea Tree, Hemp Rose (in my shower right now), Eucalyptus + Unscented   They call it All- One! Concentrated, biodegradable, versatile and effective….

FALSE: French Coffee Culture

Lattes Coffee The Californienne

(spoiler: it’s Italian) If you order un café (“a coffee”), you’ll be presented with a tiny cup of espresso. This could come as a surprise for some Americans that were expecting a full mug of “French Roast” drip coffee. So you have your espresso. If you then request milk, you’re likely to get a weird look or sigh of…

Californian Turmeric Latte

California Turmeric Latte

The Golden State has just discovered Golden Turmeric Milk. It’s really just a super healthy chai latte that promotes relaxation. Turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds which keep your body a lean, mean, fighting sleeping machine.   Turmeric Milk comes from Ayurvedic medicine and is nothing new to Eastern cultures in general. It’s been known to help anything from…