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FALSE: French Coffee Culture

Lattes Coffee The Californienne

(spoiler: it’s Italian) If you order un café (“a coffee”), you’ll be presented with a tiny cup of espresso. This could come as a surprise for some Americans that were expecting a full mug of “French Roast” drip coffee. So you have your espresso. If you then request milk, you’re likely to get a weird look or sigh of…

Californian Turmeric Latte

California Turmeric Latte

The Golden State has just discovered Golden Turmeric Milk. It’s really just a super healthy chai latte that promotes relaxation. Turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds which keep your body a lean, mean, fighting sleeping machine.   Turmeric Milk comes from Ayurvedic medicine and is nothing new to Eastern cultures in general. It’s been known to help anything from…