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French Apéro Essentials


What is French apéro? L’apéro is the short name for l’apéritif . L’apéro is a pre-dinner drink with small plates. It’s normally between 6pm (18h00) and 9pm (21h00) and it can sometimes turn into your meal for the night. If it’s a full meal, it’s called “Un apéro dînatoire”. It’s very laid back and casual, there’s no fixed length for an apéro….

FALSE: French Coffee Culture

Lattes Coffee The Californienne

(spoiler: it’s Italian) If you order un café (“a coffee”), you’ll be presented with a tiny cup of espresso. This could come as a surprise for some Americans that were expecting a full mug of “French Roast” drip coffee. So you have your espresso. If you then request milk, you’re likely to get a weird look or sigh of…

California Hygge

What is Hygge? “hygge,” Danish for “a quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being.” It derives from the 16th-century Norwegian word hugga related to the English word “hug.” Official Hygge video MUST WATCH   It has been raining a LOT in California, making it the perfect time to practice the art…